Public Advisory: Beware of Fake Weather Updates!
We would like to remind everyone to be vigilant and cautious of misleading weather update posts circulating online. Recently, some pages like the picture provided have been sharing false information, such as announcements about class suspensions, under the guise of official sources. Some even redirect to unrelated links like online shopping platforms.
Important Notes:
Official announcements about weather conditions come from PAGASA (Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration). Class suspensions are decided by local government units (LGUs).
To avoid being misled:
Follow official channels like PAGASA, DOST, and LGU social media pages.
Verify before sharing any post.
Report pages or posts spreading fake news.
Let's work together to combat misinformation and ensure that only accurate and reliable updates are shared. Stay safe and informed!
Ingat ho palagi mga kaka!